Gunta Stölzl, Red-Green Slit Tapestry, 1927-1928 Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin, Photo: Fotostudio Bartsch © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
Gunta Stölzl, Red-Green Slit Tapestry, 1927-1928
Gunta Stölzl’s tapestry is ostentatiously independent of the basic rectangular structure of textile materials. The pattern of Gunta Stölzl’s tapestry is characterized by a daring interplay of colour and shape: linear structures alternate with curving waves and frequently interrupt each other. Instead of the narrative pictorial tapestry that had only recently undergone a revival, a planar-constructive design appears here, as a kind of new abstract art. Inspiration for the work came from the courses of Johannes Itten, Georg Muche and Paul Klee, whose influence is reflected in the completely free exploration of material, colour and form. Items produced in the Textiles Workshop – traditionally regarded as a ‘feminine’ art from – thus proved to be major works of modernism.