18:30-20:00 Time
Conservation: We are rich!
Should we expect museum conservators to do more than simply preserve our cultural heritage? The work of conservators is central to the self-image of museums. But is their relevance waning?
Antje Möller-Holzhauser, conservator, Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Marcus Bröcker, certified conservator, Schaulager, Emanuel Hoffmann-Stiftung, Basel
Andrea Funck, conservator and professor at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK), Stuttgart
Stephan Lohrengel, paper conservator, Jewish Museum Berlin
Host: Tullia Tarsia in Curia, freelance art educator, Berlin and Nina Wiedemeyer, curator at the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung
Limited capacity, please register here.
At the temporary bauhaus-archiv, Knesebeckstr. 1, 10623 Berlin.